Diamonds may be some girls’ best friend, but they are not for everyone. Certainly, diamonds are beautiful, durable, sparkling and timeless. However, they are expensive as well. If you are seeking for something that is unique, you have come to the right page for your ideal gemstone types!
Many guys are concerned with the price of an engagement ring (a modern custom for diamond rings that cost three months’ salary!). This is a total absurd!
*Read up on the important tips when buying engagement ring*
Well, you do not have to follow this tradition! We are here to share with you what you need to know about the types of gemstones found in the current market. In addition, we will disclose the Mohs Scale rating for every gemstone which could be helpful in making your decision.
So… What is Mohs’ Scale?
Mohs’ Scale is a scale of hardness used in classifying minerals. It uses a series of reference minerals, and position these on the scale (runs from 1 to 10) based on the ability to scratch minerals rated lower.
Whether it’s a clear stone that looks almost as sparkly, or a coloured stone that will set your ring apart, these gorgeous alternative gemstones will look as precious as a diamond!
This pretty purple stone can look truly stunning and beautiful as fine jewellery if it is well cut.
Rated on the scale of 7 on the Mohs scale (10 being the hardest mineral), Amethysts may not be as hard, but still very durable and it costed a fraction of the price.
With Amethysts being paired with silver or rose gold ring setting, this lavender hue design could deliver a gorgeous and romantic setting.

Hailed as one of the most precious stones, Sapphires can primarily be found in Kashmir, Burma and Sri Lanka. Typically a blue precious stone, they do also come in other hues like peach, pink, yellow, green and white.
Rated 9 on the Mohs scale, sapphires are the third hardest mineral. Also, with a reasonably cheap price, sapphire makes the perfect diamond substitute. Although a white sapphire engagement ring does not capture the same sparkle as a diamond, it can be much more bling if it is well cut. A well cut larger stone will be a steal as compared to a bigger diamond.
Crowned as one of the world’s four most precious stones (alongside with sapphire, diamond and ruby), emerald is also a highly-valued gem. Colombia is the largest producer with more than 50 percent of the world’s production.
Their distinct rich green tone are simply stunning, beautiful, luxe, and precious; which makes them a popular stone for engagement rings. Although emeralds are not as popular as diamonds over recent years, they can look chic and timeless. Rated between 7.5 and 8 on the Mohs scale, emeralds can be tough too!
This luxurious green colour design can be easily paired with yellow gold and other gems to create a unique design.
Garnet comes in all kinds of colours, with pinky-red hue being the most typical colour. Often found in antique settings, these rich pinky-red hue stones look really pretty paired with pearls or stones of other colours.
At the Mohs scale of 6.5 to 7.5, garnet is not quite as hard as other counterparts, hence the price is relatively cheaper. It is one of the gorgeous choice for a less expensive engagement ring. Garnet looks gorgeous on rings with antique motif.
A luxe clarity with its dazzling array of colours, Topaz is the ideal choice for engagement rings. This precious gemstone is set at 8 on the Mohs scale.
A pure topaz is actually colourless in nature, and it is able to create various colour hues by imperfections in the stone. This beautiful quirk will make them a sweet stone to give your other half on your engagement! The clearer the topaz, the more beautiful and expensive it is.

Similar to emerald and sapphire, ruby is one of the four precious stones, making it an extremely popular choice for engagement rings with their rich, luxurious blood-red tone.
At a high score of 9 on the Mohs scale, the blood-red tone of ruby is just as attractive as clear diamonds. At times, the finest ruby could fetch more that their diamond counterparts. If you are considering ruby, it is advisable to look for the same four Cs as diamonds (a rich colour being the most important) and ask about the origin – Burmese ruby tends to be the most expensive.
Turquoise has become a trendy stone over the past few years with leading alternative jewellery brands using it across their collections. Ranging from 5 to 7 on the Mohs scale, it is a composition of copper and aluminium.
The colour of Turquoise can range from a pure bright blue, to a pale hue with flecks of metal. Simply pair with small diamonds or other gems in the setting for a luxe finish to a matte stone.
Aquamarine is a beautiful pale blue gemstone that could be a stylish choice for engagement rings. Rated 7.5 to 8 on the Mohs scale, this beryl gem is quite tough and hardy.
Almost similar to emerald, it can also appear particularly dazzling when it is well-cut. Aquamarines have a nice and beautiful clarity, making them look expensive. Known as a “lucky stone”, this is the perfect charm for you to create this as your ideal engagement ring.
Pearls are just iconic and beautiful, be it in a luxe antique setting or a chic modern ring setting. However, this organic gem can easily tarnish and scratch as it is made from calcium carbonate (2.5 to 4.5 on the Mohs scale).
Despite all the disadvantages, pearl’s beauty still gives the jewelry a classic, elegant look when set into harder gems. It will be great to get a pearl engagement ring if you are planning to wear it occasionally.
Peridots are one of the gemstones in the world that will only appear in one colour: a beautiful, olive-green hue. Often mistaken for emerald, peridot tends to be brighter in colour. Rated at 6.5 to 7 on the Mohs scale, peridot is not as hard as emerald.
Peridots are highly regarded as a token of love (Napoleon gifted his first wife Josephine with one with that symbolism of his admiration) making them the romantic engagement ring gemstone.

11. OPAL
Despite being seen as an old-fashioned design, Opals make the most beautifully unique clusters. Opals come in black, white and crystal. Dependent on their vibrancy, they could reflect the entire rainbow as they move and dazzle.
Avoid choosing a dull stone, but rather look for gems with pretty patterns and antique settings. At a scale of 5.5 to 6.5 on the Mohs scale, opals are not as hardy as other gems. However, opals are still the popular choice for beautiful engagement ring if you don’t mind a little tarnish or if you plan to wear your ring occasionally.
Every opal is unique from the other, which is why it is a perfect gem for a customized engagement ring.
Romantic and feminine, morganite is perhaps one of the most popular choices for engagement rings at the moment. As a beryl gem, morganite, under the same family as emeralds, is rated at 7.5 to 8 on the Mohs scale.
The price of morganites can vary in a wide range, so it is advisable to do your research and share with your jeweller about the cut and quality of your desired stone design.
Tsavorite is a beautiful bright green stone from the garnet family, which makes a striking addition to any piece of jewellery in today’s world. At 7 to 7.5 on the Mohs scale, it is a tough and hardy stone that can be really dazzling when well cut.
This precious gemstone was discovered in Tanzania in the sixties and it became popular as its profile was raised by Tiffany & Co. If you’re looking for a green gemstone for your engagement ring, Tsavorite could be one of the alternative.
Tanzanite is a rare and beautiful gemstone, which ranges from 6.5 to 7 on the Mohs scale. The word “Tanzanite” was actually named by Tiffany & Co (who are big fans of this blueish purplish gemstone) after its place of origin, Northern Tanzania (same origin as Tsavorite).
Tanzanite is a ultimately one of the rarest stones in the world (1000 times rarer than diamonds), with only an estimated 30-year supply left in the world. Such a rare piece of gem makes tanzanite a particularly precious choice for an engagement ring.

If you’re looking an diamond alternatives with a tight budget, a moissanite might be the ideal gemstone for you.
First discovered over a century ago, these beautiful clear (sometimes green or yellow) gemstones were mistaken for diamonds. Reaching a high score of 9.5 on the Mohs scale, moissanites are the second hardest mineral in the world (just behind diamonds), making them best substitute of diamonds when it is well-cut.
Romantic and feminine, morganite is perhaps one of the most popular choices for engagement rings at the present moment. As a beryl gem, morganite is actually from the same family of stones as emeralds, sitting at the scale of 7.5 to 8 on the Mohs scale.
The price of morganite can vary in a wide range, so it is advisable to do your research and talk to your jeweller about the cut and quality of your stone.
There are many types of gemstones to choose as your alternative to making of wedding engagement ring. Hence, it is not a must to get a diamond ring to impress your loved ones.
Now that you have many options to choose from, it is time to choose the right one wisely and put the pieces together. Pick or create your own style and complete the ring with different types of metal for your engagement / wedding ring. We hope that these information could help you in choosing your ideal engagement ring as well as your wedding bands.
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